I am concerned

Good Morning & Happy Sunday,

I am concerned that we do too much sometimes.

Today is Sunday 09/23/V3.3 & I started with 3 things to do.

I was suppose to volunteer with the Omaha Marathon, go do this project, & then help with Acela’s campaign.

My day would’ve started at 05.58, just like yesterday. I decided that I needed to sleep & not try to do too much. So I passed on the Omaha Marathon, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

So yesterday I competed in the Huber-Haus eating contest. This year we have 4… & in a complete surprise to NO ONE, I won. I got a wonderful hat & T-Shirt for winning it. (I’ll post pics later).

I had a unique experience with Angie (real name Angela, I also know her nickname, I’m not suppose to tell anyone though) yesterday. She said You’re an ‘inappropriate word for butt’, but I like you. I have a problem with the ‘inappropriate word for butt’ but I am okay with the I like you part. Of course she is a Husker fan & was proud of it & we ALL know how I feel about the Husker football team. Angie (real name Angela). I also did my wing man duties, I encouraged Jim & Angie to exchange numbers. At first Jim was all like ‘H8 you’, but he recovered and was all like ‘May I have your number’ Angie was all impressed & provided said details. You’re Welcome!

The word of the day is pharisaic which is practicing or advocating strict observance of external forms and ceremonies of relgion or conduct without regard to the spirit; self-righteous; hypocritical.

Well that is it for now. I have to be some where at 13.00, so I need to head out & stuff.