My Evening Report

Good Evening & how was the first day of September?

So I cam across this 10 Signs Your Employees Are Having an Office Romance – Page 11, Number 10. You Get an Invitation the the Wedding. Is that really a ‘sign’. If you haven’t noticed it by this point, quite frankly you are well ‘stupid’, i’ve asked on twitter, what the PC word is for stupid. So as soon as someone tells me what it is I will change that.

Tomorrow is Sunday, which means it is Day I of II Days off.

That’s it for now, time to sit on the coach & watch a movie.

I also need to look for my remote, I guess.


Bring It to Me

Good Morning & Happy Saturday,

Joy & Happiness are what I want. Will you bring it to me?

Today is Saturday 09/01/V3.3 & we are rocking & rolling.

So I tweeted (or plan to tweet) about getting comments e-mail to me when they are approved on a blog. I don’t need to be reminded of what I said. I’m not married, yet. Speaking of that.

Did you know that we are 1 day closer to making that happen. We are only 270 days away from #05/29, apparently somewhere around Saturday 08/04/V3.3 twitter stopped making #0529 an actually hashtag. That’s a fail, I have to tolerate it cause I like twitter, it’s not like that other social network that I can do without.

I’ve started a Resident Evil marathon, I don’t know why. BUT I can do what I want. This is the United States of America after all.

The word of the day is demulcent which is Soothing or mollifying, as a medicinal substance.

You know what would really make me happy. If at 18.45 today, I got a visitor at work & they brought me dinner. Boy I’d be happier than a cock in a hen house. I don’t know do the chickens get happy, or are they ambivalent about happy, sad, other emotional stages.

Have a GREAT day!!


Twitter Updates for 2012-09-01

My Evening Report

Good Day was had by Vernon J, how about you?

I’m still working on a project that I need to get fixed by tomorrow.

I just exhaled, I don’t know why either. OH yeah, that’s right, I’d rather be spending the time with someone special instead of sitting on this chair know that I’ll go to bed alone again tonight.

Just for the record, I’m not upset or angry. I just want more out of life. This includes a special lady friend & other stuff.

Work is really draining on me, 11 days, 7 hours, 47 mins until I can do what needs to be done. I’m Ready to look & apply within First Data. Can I get a challenge?

Well that’s my Evening Report for now.