My Evening Report

Good Evening & Happy

I am happy to report that I only have 11 hours of work left & about at least 33 hours of partying to get on.

First I have to say thank YOU to my bestest (work) friend of the week Yolanda for taking my Saturday for me. IF you’ve ever had to trade a shift, you can imagine for someone to give up a Saturday afternoon, evening, & night that they respect you.

I also have to give it up for the partying, although I’ll be watching II or more hours of football on Saturday, it is better than working.

Those are the two PRESENTING sponsors of this week’s FNP! Thanks & Partying.

I had a good Thursday.

Went to a meeting, came home watched a movie. Relaxed for a bit. Went to work.


Came home, & now that brings us to RIGHT now!

Now here is a question.

What is your feelings about Mega Church’s?