Hockey in Omaha Today

Today is Thursday 12/09/V3.1, a great day to use the word farouche in a sentence.

Well there is Hockey today is Omaha, Omaha’s Team plays the Huskies of Michigan Tech today.

Visit Omaha’ to get your tickets, what are you waiting for? Oh you already have tickets, then you’re good. I’ll see you there.

Today meant be the official day of new stuff, as yesterday was the unofficial day of new stuff. Professionally.

Personal it has been a GREAT week.

Good stuff has happened everyday. Yesterday in addition to succesfully retrieving the % of rent I talked about(you gotta read the blog every day), there was a Symphony-esque event yesterday. Good Times!!!

I got a pretty good nights sleep, I got out of bed at 04:45 & unofficially started my day. AS my day doesn’t offically start until I get picked up by my 1st driver. Somedays I have 4 drivers, I will probably have at least 6 drivers today.

I hope you have a great day, see ya when the ducks waddle.