Got My Eye on You #25b

Update on H. Con. Res. 369

I got an e-mail back from the energy expert at the Department of Energy. According to the tables the Paul Hess told me to look at, America produces 69% of the energy consumption in the year of 2005. I don’t know what Rep. Marilyn Musgrave from Colorado is trying to accomplish with this bill. I went to her website and she wants 25% of the energy to be from Renewable resources. Currently we are only producing 6.012%.

Got My Eye on You #24

Congressional Daily Digest for 3/28/06
Senate: Introduced Seven bills, Six resolutions, and One concurrent Resolution
House of Representatives: Introduced 23 bills, 7 resolutions, and Two Concurrent Resolution

New Bills Introduced

Got My Eye On You #23

Congress was in recess till March 27th/28th. You thought I was though, didn’t you?
Congressional Daily Digest for 3/27/06
Senate: Introduced Five bills, and Two resolutions.
House of Representatives: Not in session

Actions Previous Bills


I guess I was on the news Saturday. JJ told me he saw me, I went to the Creighton softball game. When they panned the crowd, I was noticed. I didn’t even know I was on till today, sweet.

Video Camera

Hey. I am on the USA Network site. They have a contest called Show Us Your Character. Well I need two things to complete the process. A videophotogher and a video camera. If you are willing to spend about 30 mins with me making a 3 mins.(30 MB) or less video. Please leave me a message with the time and date you are available. I would like to get this done sometime this week. Please help to make me famous.

Is it worth it?

Dating, is it worth it?
Marriage, is it worth it?
Candy Bars, it’s worth it?
Feel free to add your list.


If you read this you know I am not a Bush Fan. The book Impostor by Bruce Bartlett is very good. I takes a look at GWB’s budget process. Obviosuly it is biased bc someone wrote it. But if you have free time read it. Omaha Public Library has copies.

Creighton Softball

Went to the game today, it was a double header. We (me and creighton) lost the first game 2-3. It was kinda slow, they got 3 runs in the 1st inning. We answered back with one run. Didn’t score the second run until the 7th inning. On to the second game, were we clobbered the purple aces, 8-0 in the top of the 6th. I guess the Missouri Valley conference recognizes mercy rules. LET’S GET IT ON. If you go to the game sunday, let me know what happens.