Hippies Rule

Watching The Amazing Race. I am rooting for the pretty girls of couse. But BJ and Tyler are hippies, they will be my 2nd team.

H.R. 4898 To reallocate funds toward sensible priorities such as improved children’s education, increased children’s access to health care, expanded job training, and increased energy efficiency and conservation through a reduction of wasteful defense spending, and for other purposes. I love the fact that someone is considering this.

H. R. 4910 To prohibit the manufacture, sale, marketing, or distribution of products or substances designed or intended to defraud a drug test.
Oh, you sneaky smokers, drinkers, etc. They are trying to catch you up.

Bills that made it out of committee

Got My Eye on You #18b

I wrote a letter to Lee Terry. I didn’t get to it yesterday, but I got to it.

I noticed that H. Res. 641, and H. Res. 645 made it out of their respective committees. This bills are important to the American Congress to get clarity on the Presidents decision to wiretap American phone lines. I urge you to vote yes on the passage of these House Resolutions. We need to know why he thought it was okay to authorize the Secretary of Defense to utilize these wiretaps. I hope you will support you fellow members of Congress, and the citizens of your district. Once again, I am asking you to vote for H. Res. 641, and H. Res. 645

Vernon Davis
Omaha, NE