The Joy of Life

The following was posted in response to reading a post by someone else. Concerning this story.

WAIT Tammy you mean the US standard for drinking water isn’t across the world. That just maybe, JUST MAYBE things are actually different in other countries? That maybe the measuring stick we are using is just wrong? That can’t be.
*mini rant*.

Dear My fellow Americans,

Just cause you have something and someone else(your fellow American or a citizen of another great country) doesn’t mean it is wrong. It means they don’t have it.

Some people get along just fine not liking the UNL football team even though the live in Nebraska. (that’s the joy of living in Nebraska).

Some people get along just fine not having a house & renting their entire life. It works for that person(s).

Some people get along fine not eating beef, AND NO THEY AREN’T VEGETARIAN. They just don’t eat beef.

I could do little examples of this for hours, but I won’t.

The joy in life is choosing to do some things and not choosing to do some things.

People’s joy come from many things, not just what brings you joy. #GoHome

Vernon J (happy sitting on the couch reading a book on a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday night).