Best, Better, Good

That is what the weather is going to be today.

Good Morning & Happy Thursday,

It is clear and 4 degrees right now, from what Ryan & the Action 3 News Team have indicated. That’s the best it is going to get weather wise.

Today is Thursday 02/20/V3.4 & we are just VIII days away from a new month.

Even though the weather will go to Better & Good, I still plan ot have a fantastic day. Going to work, then coming home. Looking forward to NASCAR & doing laundry. Invite is extended to come watch NASCAR with me, no you can’t do my laundry either. Nice Try.

The word of the day is salchow which is an ice-skating jump in which the skater leaps from the back inside edge of one skate, … landing on the back outside edge of the skate.

Well I just saw someone get pulled over by two police officers, so your day is off to a pretty good start already, Am I right?

This weekend should be fun, I talked about Friday. Don’t know if I mentioned that on Saturday I’m going to The Big N. #Norfolk, NE.

So yesterday I went to Infusion Brewing Company. I had a Vanilla Bean Blonde, now that was a good beer. The right amount of this & that to do something. I’m not a beer connoisseur so I can’t tell you all the things it does. It was just good beer.

Vanilla Bean Blonde

I like that when I type photos.domain.tld that my photo blog comes up before Google photos. I’m winning.

Well here’s to you continuing to have a good day.