In. My. Life.

Happy November from Vernon J & the family.

Today we are Lincoln Bound and determined to have a good time.

Today is Friday 11/01/V3.4 & the first 10 months are behind us and ALL is ahead of us.

I just found out my 800 number isn’t family friendly. Nothing I can do about it now. See Google+ for more information.

Well this will be a different kinda day. My neighbor was sick yesterday so didn’t get to do my hair. So I’m all natural today.

The word of the day is animalcule which is a minute animal, nearly or quite invisible to the naked eye.

I’m excited for what the future holds. Except Tuesday I’m double booked in the evening. I’ve committed financially to something, committed to something else also. But the second item was with the same person. Project A + Project c1 = #0529. Project B + Project c2 = #0529. So I could go either way on that. Also Project c2 has an Event on Monday.

So I’m back from Lincoln & I didn’t get this posted before Friday was over. I hope you just survived off of my twitter posts In. Your. Life.

Vernon J out.