90 mins & a bassoon

Good Evening & Happy Thursday Eve,

So I’m going to work tomorrow for 90 mins. From Dance Time until right before lunch. Me and Diane are going to see Stomp! on Saturday. The show is at 1400, so I needed to get some time off on Saturday. It took III people but we got from 1200 to 1430 knocked off. Thanks Stephanie and other co-workers.

So I was asked to discuss the Oklahoma State issue. Well let’s do some simple math. Let’s say that they do decide to pay college athletes for more than fishing. (which in itself isn’t a bad idea). So the Federal Minimum Wage is $7.25 an hour & let’s put them at 31 hours. Cause these studentathletes are FULL TIME students and that is their goal. So at $7.25 * 31 hours a week we would pay them $224.75 a week gross. This is college after all, so we are teaching them lessons. So $12.50 a week for health insurance. $35 a week for retirement, 25% off for applicable taxes. So they would get a net take home pay of $132.94 a week, $571.36 a month, & $6,859.57 a year. They would also come out of college with a retirement account of $8,063. College Athletes getting paid to play honest.

So tomorrow I need to stop and get a couple things done, unless I already did it.

The word of the day is ikat which is a method of printing woven fabric by tie-dyeing the yarns before weaving.

Coconut has sugar in it. The Truth About Coconut Water

Make it a GREAT day!!!

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