My Evening Report

Good Evening & Happy Weekend!

It couldn’t have been easier growing up in this 23 hours & 41 mins. I didn’t get to see you & you didn’t get to see me. BUT this isn’t about you & me it is about the BIGGER & BEST things in life that we have to offer.

NOW what are we going to do about it?

Well I say we grab life by the string & tie it to a balloon & enjoy it.

I had a good day.

  1. Went to the store, then
  2. Turned in some paperwork, then
  3. came home & started making dinner, then
  4. ate lunch, then
  5. went to work, and
  6. now I’m home & finishing up watching a movie.

So that is my Evening Report.

There will be some awesomeness tomorrow.

It is Friday the 2nd day of the weekend. YES, Mindi as I told you the weekend starts on Thursday.

I’m going to the 2nd debate of the candidates for the Junior Senator from Nebraska.

I’m then going to work & have a KINDA big decision to make.

Hope your FNP is as good as Vernon J’s