Really & Disapointment

I was talking to someone at work, who apparently is about to celebrate Christmas with their family.  I know how important family is to individuals & others.

But … (this is where I get upset).

She said that she hadn’t done any Christmas shopping yet. So I suggested that she donate to charity in honor of her family members.

She said that her family would make fun of her for doing that.

That makes me sad  upset, if you think you are so special that someone who can’t make ends meet. Doesn’t have a good enough family that they can spend time with them in the middle of January & still call it special.  You need to re-evaluate your purpose in life.

NO, I do NOT know the family outside of what the known individual has presented.

BUT if you’ve read this site or know me. YOU know that I am charity minded & I don’t value material possessions as other people do.

I’m happy getting a few minutes with friends, co-workers(as I spend majority of my time with them), & special people in my life. If I do that 3 to 5 times a day I will go to bed with a smile on my face. YES I just smiled bigger.

Thank YOU.