Really & Disapointment

I was talking to someone at work, who apparently is about to celebrate Christmas with their family.  I know how important family is to individuals & others.

But … (this is where I get upset).

She said that she hadn’t done any Christmas shopping yet. So I suggested that she donate to charity in honor of her family members.

She said that her family would make fun of her for doing that.

That makes me sad  upset, if you think you are so special that someone who can’t make ends meet. Doesn’t have a good enough family that they can spend time with them in the middle of January & still call it special.  You need to re-evaluate your purpose in life.

NO, I do NOT know the family outside of what the known individual has presented.

BUT if you’ve read this site or know me. YOU know that I am charity minded & I don’t value material possessions as other people do.

I’m happy getting a few minutes with friends, co-workers(as I spend majority of my time with them), & special people in my life. If I do that 3 to 5 times a day I will go to bed with a smile on my face. YES I just smiled bigger.

Thank YOU.

Oh Yeah!!!

Good Morning & Happy Wednesday!

If you can guess which commericalized character phrase that is. You’ll win a prize. Okay times up.

Today is Wednesday 01/11/V3.2. The 11th day, yup & I’ve already been in the newspaper. Get it done early, as I say.

That’s so awesome, I don’t even know what I want to blog about today. I’m moving laundry up to today, as I have a couple appearances on Thursday & Friday morning. But it is okay, I’ll get it done. I have a meeting that’s happening, RIGHT NOW. In a few moments, obviously I wouldn’t be blogging in a meeting, unless it was a meeting about blogging, then it’d be okay.

The word of the day is expostulate which is to reason earnestly with someone against something that person intends to do or has done.

Seriously, have a good day.

Twitter Updates for 2012-01-11

Make-ahead meals worth the effort

So there is this famous guy in the newspaper.

You can read about it RIGHT here on the site of the regions largest, daily, weekly, monthly newspaper.

Thanks to Jane for writing the article. Thanks to Mike for bringing it to my attention.

The kitchen is where resolutions to eat better, save money and share more meals with the family meet up in the new year.

That’s also where experienced hands will say that cooking four or more meals in a one-day or one-evening cooking session can help. The completed dishes or partially assembled meals can then be portioned into meal-size amounts and frozen for later.

“It’s nice having them ready in the freezer when you’re working full time,” Omahan Vernon Joseph said. “When you come home, you can pop them in the microwave and have a good meal ready.”

The concept of having frozen meals — either fully prepared or partially prepared — works for singles like Joseph and also for couples and for larger families with children. Continue reading “Make-ahead meals worth the effort”