As I thought

As I was getting some Baby Back Ribs from Chili’s I was thinking of the resolutions that I had published.

I thought of II more that are easy to accomplish & that will make me a better steward of my money.

I didn’t leave the house until at least 12.00. Plenty of enough time to make lunch. BUT I didn’t & there is no excuse for that.

I had a giftcard to Chili’s so my lunch only ended up costing like $1.78 or something.

So I’m thinking why am I spending money on food, when I love cooking. So I’ve came up with an arbitrary number of $7 per meal max. IF it is more than that, I can make it at home.  This is subject to wavier if I’m on a date or it is a business lunch.  I haven’t done the math of how much it would cost.

I spent about $1,385.78 last year.  That is an average of about $3.79 per day. So that is below my average.

I’ve also committed to NOT using an electronic card, unless the item is over $20.00.  This will ensure that I’m able to stick to the above rules.

These are good sound financial decisions that will make me a better Vernon J.

Wish me luck.

An Entry of Firsts

Good Morning & Happy Sunday.

It is a Brand New Year & the opportunities that I have are unlimited.

Today is Sunday 01/01/V3.2.& it is the first day of MMXII.

This is the year where you shall say, I DO. No more of this maybe, will you commit to being one of the doers.

The word of the day is novation which is the introduction of something new; innovation.

Have a great forever.


Twitter Updates for 2012-01-01

New Year Resolution MMXII

We the people who know Vernon J, in order to form a more perfect Vernon, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this resolution of MMXI CE….

What are your New Year Resolution?

Vernon J’s Resolution(s) are.

  • To pass less gas in public.
  • If I am given the opportunity to be a boyfriend, I will be the best darn boyfriend I can be.

No I don’t actually control those two things., The first one is totally taken care of by the body, but as they aren’t sexy I will do my best.

The other one is 49% controlled by me. I have to seize the opportunity that she presents me. When she says I like you, MORE than I like anyone else. Will you be my special man friend, or similar. Then it will be time to perform.

  • I vow not to spend more than $7.00 at a Quick Service Restaurant, Restaurant, or an eatery establishment unless I’m on a date, or at a business function.
  • IF an item is under $20 bucks I will pay cash for it.
  • There may be other resolutions, but these are the two four that I can thing of right now.

Best wishes from Vernon J & the family to You & YOUR family.