5 Ways Stores Use Science to Trick You Into Buying Crap

#5. You Move in Predictable Patterns

#4. You Can’t Resist Shiny Things
#3. Shopping Gets You High
#2. You Can’t Comprehend Numbers
#1. Your Tastes Can be Tricked by Brand Recognition

I know that #5 depends on the store I go to.  When I go to my ‘home’ grocery store. I go to the left, because that’s the door I go into.  At my 2nd (visited) store I go to the right, becasue I come in the right door.  When I go to Baker’s I’ll have to make sure that I go to the left.  I wanna stick it to the man.

#4 is just true, that’s why people dust.

#3 I don’t know about this, I’ve never been high by illegal drugs.  Life is pretty wonderful though.

I can do math in my head,  it is correct.  So #2 doesn’t apply to Vernon J.  I always though $0.88 was easier on the eyes, but times change. 

I’m pretty sure #1 can be true, but I don’t drink non-pepsi.  That would be just wrong since I own Pepsi.

Read more: http://www.cracked.com/article_18805_5-ways-stores-use-science-to-trick-you-into-buying-crap_p2.html#ixzz19Yjp1p00