Well what did I think of HP7PartI?

So at 09:45(give or take 7 mins) I went and saw Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows.

I realized that I should have read the book9it did come out on Saturday -7/21/2007), but I didn’t have time.  I’ll see if I can read it before the 2nd part comes out on  Friday 07/15/V3.2, alsmost 4 years after the book.

As I metioned I did read the book there was no surprises.  Good Movie, glad I went and saw it.

The theater was pretty packed 75% to 85% for a Saturday morning.  I hadn’t seen a movie that early in the morning for a few years, I didn’t buy any popcorn.  As you know I couldn’t buy any sweets this month.

Well I give it 4.5 bananas out of 5 bananas.

I hope you’ll go see it.