As I gaze upon this week!!!!

Thanksgiving 2010 is 4 days away, as we reflect on what we are thankful for.

Here’s my list.

I’m thankful for friends, & my professional relationships that I’ve built in my last 6 years here in Omaha.

A new adventure starts everyday & I’m happy to be part of the great adventure that is life.

Enjoy your week!!!

When you image search Monday, you gets lot of good stuff.

My tweets

Continue reading “My tweets”

Council Brandt of Cape Coral, you are a good guy.

Councilmember Pete Brandt said he was a “constitutional conservative,” and that the United States was founded on “Judeo-Christian morals and ethics.”

Despite his affinity for both the constitution and those values, he didn’t support hanging the Ten Commandments in city hall.

“If it comes to a vote, I cannot support erecting the Ten Commandments,” Brandt saidContinue reading “Council Brandt of Cape Coral, you are a good guy.”

@Deb_Meyer too long for twitter.

@Deb_Meyer It was amazing, the #hockey game was 0 – 0 until like .4 seconds left in the game.  WE won.  I made someone else’s belly happy with my cooking.

The interaction

The interaction between a parent & a child is amazing. (from an idependent 3rd party).

Some good some bad, but I like the good ones.

Well what did I think of HP7PartI?

So at 09:45(give or take 7 mins) I went and saw Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows.

I realized that I should have read the book9it did come out on Saturday -7/21/2007), but I didn’t have time.  I’ll see if I can read it before the 2nd part comes out on  Friday 07/15/V3.2, alsmost 4 years after the book.

As I metioned I did read the book there was no surprises.  Good Movie, glad I went and saw it.

The theater was pretty packed 75% to 85% for a Saturday morning.  I hadn’t seen a movie that early in the morning for a few years, I didn’t buy any popcorn.  As you know I couldn’t buy any sweets this month.

Well I give it 4.5 bananas out of 5 bananas.

I hope you’ll go see it.

Day 11.488 of Unknown

Today is Sunday 11/21/V3.1!!!

A good day to do whatever you want, this is America.

Well I get to write a critical review essay, do laundry & work on my Federal Income Tax.

Gotta do Laundry, so there it is.

Roll with me.