sad, Sad, Sad, SAD. #vote

“I have never voted. I’ve registered but never did vote, and never really knew how,” says Council Bluffs resident Christal Maskel.

Red, White, & Blue 2010: Voters Speak Out About Election Day

Posted: Nov 01, 2010 6:36 PM CDT

OMAHA, NE – The campaign signs are out and the final push to Election Day is on.  With the polls opening in less than 24 hours turn out for the midterm election may set records in Nebraska and Iowa, but some of those records are not what elections officials are hoping for.

The machines are off and running, let the early ballot counting begin.

But while Iowa’s bracing for big voter turnout Nebraska’s expecting dismal results.

“I always vote in elections and I just think that even though there aren’t a lot of contested races this year I just feel like it’s my duty,” says Omaha resident Gary Christensen.

“I might vote, but I’m not sure why I should this time,” says Council Bluffs resident Steven Dukes.

In Iowa about 92 percent of those eligible to vote are registered, and with high profile campaigns like the governor’s race early voting figures show there’s a big interest in the midterm election.

Just across the river things are much different.

Only 39 percent of registered voters in Douglass County are expected to pick up an I voted stamp.

It’s an estimate below the counties record low, and the turnout expected across the rest of Nebraska doesn’t fare much better.

Some blame it on negative campaigning, others the lack of big races and one voter tells KMTV Action 3 news the process is just too much.

 “I have never voted. I’ve registered but never did vote, and never really knew how,” says Council Bluffs resident Christal Maskel.

If you’re heading to vote, the polls in Nebraska are open from 8am to 8pm and in Iowa polls are open from 7am to 9pm.

Reported By: Adam Racusin

This story makes me sad, I hope before the next election that Christal learns how to register & vote.  I’d be a happy voter.