
I got my midterm grade back today.

The Average was 82%.

As per my usually wonderful life, I got above Average.

GO Vernon J.

First texting tickets issued – Omaha.com

A 16-year-old Bellevue girl was one of the first people in the state to be ticketed under a new law prohibiting texting while driving.

The teen was ticketed July 15, the first day the state ban went into effect, said Capt. Herb Evers of the Bellevue Police Department.

"After knocking down a street sign, the girl nearly hit another car head on," Evers said. "She could have been seriously hurt or she could have badly injured someone else."

Evers said the teenager was westbound on Nebraska Highway 370 near Wilshire Avenue when she looked down to erase a text. The car she was driving went up on a dividing island and sheared off a traffic sign before coming to a rest back in the road.

<a href="http://omaha.adbureau.net/accipiter/adclick/CID=000076d5e42e65ea00000000/SITE=omaha/AREA=owhmetro.crime/AAMSZ=300X250/position=1/acc_random=227290/pageid=230164"> <img src="http://omaha-images.adbureau.net/omaha/accipiter/images/AE3.gif" alt="" width="300" height="250" border="0"> </a>

A police officer found the phone in the car with a text message on its screen. The teen told the officer she was in the midst of erasing the text before she hit the sign.

The girl faces a $200 fine and the loss of three points on her driver’s license.



Back to School Tips

BTS Reminders

 ~~Encourage your child to look forward to class.~~
~~Remind them that hard work will pay off.~~
~~Make sure your child is well rested.~~ 
~~Make sure your kids eat breakfast.~~
~~Read with your child at home for 20 minutes a day.~~
~~Talk about “Stranger Danger” and practice walking to school.~~

Tuesday 07/20/V3.1

Good Morning,

Today is You + 1 day.

I think you should do something special & unique for someone.

It doesn’t have to be a big gesture, just something to tell someone you are thinking about them.

Have a Wonderful Day.

Peace, Respect, & Happiness