2 Replies to “Building Stories”

    1. Channeling Older Vernon here

      Oooh Sonny(or whatever my granddaughter’s name is) back in summer ’08 when America was going though a change. A very pivotal election was upon us. We had a choice to make between President **********, and his competitor.

      Now this was back before I met your grandma(assuming I haven’t met here as of 09/16/08) you grandpa got an invite from his friend Dawn to go on the Q98.5 cruise. We had radios back then, not all this fancy tunes going directly into your brain. We had to put up with those damn commercials. Well it started out pretty nice, back then gramps could handle some tequila. Now that ole liver can’t handle anything stronger than mouthwash. Well he had this awesome name tag. You know I took your grandma’s name right, I was a rebel like that.

      Well I was heading towards the boat and I heard girls screaming my names, wasn’t a bad thing when you know you ain’t done nothing wrong. Well it was my karaoke partner Jen. We meet back in July at my favorite bar Crescent Moon. Now that was a good bar, too bad it didn’t survive Midtown Crossing @ Turner Park.

      Well I continued to drink, and have a fun time. I lead the congo line twice though that boat. I challenged a guy’s manhood for not dancing with me, and he proceeded to show me that he has alot of manhood. Those were the days, you know grandpa can still get down. (grandpa yelling turn on the music, and let’s get down). It was a fun night, meet some awesome people, and I was the most famous person on that boat.

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