Stressful Weddings!!

College grad, 23, is having “panic attacks” thinking about paying for her wedding. Seemingly unaware that it is possible to have one without shelling out $30 grand

Just another good thing from fark!!!

Comments from readers, I may afree with most of them.

My wife and I got married in 2001. Total cost, including cake, facility, my suit, her dress, decorations, etc.: $1,500. And to this day people still tell us how nice it was, some saying it’s the best wedding they ever attended.

We don’t enjoy big weddings for other people, and we didn’t want one for ourselves.

Courthouse wedding: $50
Trip to stock car races afterward: $12
Getting stuck in a ditch when a tornado hits: Priceless I don’t want to say this is my dream wedding(the tornado is kinda a turnoff), but it’s pretty close