He passed some bills

109 S.RES. 291 To congratulate the Chicago White Sox on winning the 2005 World Series Championship. 

109 S.RES. 516 Recognizing the historical significance of Juneteenth Independence Day and expressing the sense of the Senate that history should be regarded as a means for understanding the past and…

109 S.RES. 529 Designating July 13, 2006, as `National Summer Learning Day‘.

110 S.RES. 133 Whereas Bishop Gilbert Earl Patterson was born in 1939 to Bishop W.A. and Mrs. Mary Patterson, Sr., in Humboldt, Tennessee,

110 S.RES. 268 Designating July 12, 2007, as `National Summer Learning Day’.

How can I top

How can I top last weekend?

I have my first special event on Saturday.  I NEED to make it to a party in Bellevue after the event.  Who wants to be a taxi?


Not a bit drunk, How could I forget a pretty face?