Chick Action Flick vs. Chick Action Flick

Okay there are too movies coming out that are action related. Ultra Violet opens March 3rd. UV has the girl from Resident Evil, which is pretty good. The downside with that series is they left the 2nd one open for a sequal. Which they are now filming. Movie to is V for Vendetta V4V doesn’t hae a great site, actually it is a bad site. Natialie Portman is in this movie, which gives it some props.

Which would you rather go see?

Kimmie Meissner says awesome

Listen to this skaters interview. They say it was awesome landing the triple triple. The crowd was awesome. Once again I have to say shame on her. She is representing the ole’ USA. USA is not awesome. horrible how she spoke.

Jack Ingram’s Beer Butt Chicken

2 six-packs of Budweiser longnecks
3-to-4 pound roasting chicken
Fire up the barbeque grill and get it hot to 300-degrees.. Open one beer and place the rinsed and patted dry chicken (open cavity side down) on the beer bottle. Place the whole contraption on the grill away from the flame. Proceed to drink the other five beers and entertain yourself for four hours while the chicken cooks. It’s delicious!!