
How I feel about Marijuant & ‘it doesn’t hurt anybody’.

Mark that is not true. The number of people killed in the drug trade is more than zero. Marijuana is illegal and just cause people like Sarah, Ron, David, & ‘the facebook generation’ feels that it shouldn’t be illegal means squat.

The reasons it is illegal is that it is illegal. Until the laws are changed people need to respect the law of the land.

What a weekend

That was great.

Good Morning Beautiful.

Our was an amazing weekend. Nap all the days. Sports, friends, challenges & adventures.

Today is the 2nd of February in my 36th Year.

Thursday I worked both jobs & napped

Friday I worked one job, napped, was a dragon, went to Crescent Moon, went to UNO Hockey to see the #5 team win in overtime over the #1 team.

I also discovered fraud on my checking account, so that actually didn’t effect me too much.

Saturday I worked at Dunkin’, napped, ate dinner, watch about 1/2 of the Saturday game.

Thanks to everyone who made this weekend possible. Look for photos later today.

How was your weekend?

Anything Worse?

A terrible question from @fox42kptm.

What is the worst thing you have ever seen a driver do? Is it worse than what one woman did last week? She was driving while distracted and ended up killing a woman who was an advocate for the handicapped community.

I don’t know if anything worse than killing someone.

I do find this one of the stupidest questions that could be asked though.

KPTM you’ve got to do better. This is a complete failure, on so many levels.

Don’t be that way.


I was watching @cbsnews & the champion of divisive conversations was mentioned.

The above picture is for a portion of the 2014 BET Awards.

It’s always great to have a good dose of racism in the morning.

You can read Al’s statement here.

Apparently the hashtag #OscarsSoWhite was trending on Twitter. Hey. That’s just as racist as #BlackLivesMatter.

This got my attention:


I’m not a fan of awards show, there is to much talking.

The awards show are a private club & the public is kindly invited to observe their proceedings. We don’t know who got voted for. The top five with the most votes are presented for the public to fawn, oooh, & ah over for a few weeks.

Just for the record. The 84th Annual Awards had a similar nominee slate.

In summarization: Just cause there is a Civil Rights theme of a movie with a heavily black cast doesn’t mean IT NEEDS special honors.

Keep bringing up race with negative connotations & we won’t be able to get to the content of our character.

*editor’s note*

Vernon J does not like Al Sharpton.
Vernon J does not like anyone who uses race in any conversation where it is irrelevant.

Way. Past time to Build It

Four of the the Supreme Court members ruled that the bill is unconstitutional because it transfers power from the PSC to the governor. But that’s not a super-majority of judges, the threshold required to deem a law unconstitutional. So they vacated the lower court ruling.

That effectively would seem to punt the issue to President Obama’s administration, which has cited the Nebraska lawsuit as a reason to delay its final decision on its federal permit.

We are Way past the time to Build It

Five Months

We are five months away from the 37th Annual Celebration of Vernon J.

God’s Morning & God’s Way.

Looking forward to this year’s celebration. Making new friend’s? Bringing smiles for sure.

Today is the 9th day of January in Vernon J’s 36th year.

Had a good, interesting, & I’m tired kickoff to the weekend. I got an extra three hours of work yesterday. Worked a total of 13.25 instead of the 10 I anticipated. Get paid by the hour.

The word of the day is interosculate which is to form a connecting link.

Team Vernon J has made a change of plans for the party tonight. We will not be going to see Selma tonight. As of the current time. Stay tuned to The Official Blog of Vernon J for any changes.

We are going to Rojá tonight. For happy hour. Meet us at 512……….

Have a great day.
