Your Rules

The first of many.

Top of the morning, bottom of the year to you.

I’m willing to say I LOVE YOU. :-* See I said it.

It is the 365th Day of 2014. We say goodbye to this year.

So I came across this story – I posted it on Twitter without commentary. But not here.

This guy is a genius. Maybe you should stop routing your customers to middle locations. I did a search for Boston to Miami. There was a stop in Newark or New Jersey. Why, United? If I can find a cheaper & more convenient fight. I’ll take it.

I’m no judge out lawyer. But from what I see this guy had just set up a search engine that find the most direct route. I hope this guy gets a good lawyer and keeps up the fight. Maybe your RULES, contacts, & business relationships are broken. Get better. You shouldn’t be suing this guy. He isn’t selling your product. He is providing information to your potential customers.

Well the WVJN news team had cracked the case. Team Vernon J will be at Crescent Moon tonight. Well you join us?

I had a good day yesterday:

  • I worked
  • I picked up dry cleaning
  • I dropped off dry cleaning. It’s hard to leave the pants you’re wearing.
  • I went to Xenon Academy to attempt a hair cut. They didn’t have any slots available. So I’m going back Friday.
  • I talked(texted) to you* You is not N or J
  • I went to bed.
  • Ate some dinner & stuff.


How was your day?


However, legal action will be taken if Dixon doesn’t remove the display by Dec. 26. Sycamore Township says the decorations violate some of its rules, which prohibit structures in the front or the side yard to occupy more than 35 percent of the area.

“Also, the primary structure must be 3 feet from the street, and 6 feet from the house,” details Fox News.

With no due respect. I won’t remove my display.

Now that’s a threat

North Korea issued a new threat against the United States late Sunday and accused President Barack Obama of “recklessly” spreading rumors that Pyongyang is behind last month’s devastating cyberattack on Sony Pictures.

North Korea the US had no way to take diplomatic or economic actions for your attack on Sony.

But you’ve literally just threatened is.



So I see this. I’m shocked about her commentary. I then here the sad news of the NYPD officers being gunned down in their car.

A real shame.

These two officers no longer get to go home to their family.

Also hearing he shot his girlfriend  –

If you want to kill yourself. Just do it, don’t ruin three other lives.

Charter schools

On Monday, board members discussed a draft resolution forwarded by the board’s legislative subcommittee that voiced support for the concept of “opportunity schools” — basically, charter schools operating under strict guidelines, including the oversight of a local school board.

I saw LuAnn post this story on Twitter this morning.

This is a watered down version of a true charter school.

If a Senator takes this bill I well write Merv to oppose it.