Party Time

What time is it?

Good Morning & Happy March,

It is Party Time & I’m making calls to everyone.

Today is Saturday 03/01/V3.4 & it is a brand new month.

Well today is the final UNO Hockey game, if I could’ve went yesterday. They won 6 – 0, good job Mavs.

My 1st fish fry was amazing, then had a good time at the Moon. Round 1 & Round 2. No one got knocked out. I don’t even think there was a knock down. Ray & Jim got their tabs paid for and I negotiated my tip with the servers. Good Laughs, Thanks B.

The word of the day is lingua franca which is any language that is widely used as a means of communication among speakers of other languages.

I need cookies or other baked goods, this has 35% of what happened after the Fish Fry, 60% that I haven’t baked anything in a while. It’ll be cookies.The Cream Cheese brownies are in the oven.

Well that’s it for now.

Have a good day.