
That’s an interference Conundrum,

Good Morning & Happy Sunday.

So let’s make it interesting.

Today is Sunday 02/16/V3.4 & it is Sandy’s Birthda. Happy Birthday Sandy.

Well today’s question is 1 movie or 2, watching today or tomorrow? I’m going to see Winter’s Tale & Robocop. Let me know if you want to go.

Church was good today, it was discussed about Choosing Life.

The word of the day is chirk which is to cheer (usually followed by up).

Have a GREAT day everyone.

2 Replies to “Interference”

  1. Well thank you so much for the birthday wish! It was a grand day-started off with waking up to a homemade German chocolate cake-made especially by my grNdmKther (tradition) and a birthday card saying she loves me so! Her and I went off to church where I received many bday wishes and congrats as being a YWCA 2014 Young Woman of Achievement nominee! Followed by Sunday school, where I was sung to by all the kiddos! My daughter and son came to church from their dad’s with a birthday gift excitedly in hand–a Kay’s key to my heart necklace (w 2 hearts), followed by Girl Scouts and gifts from my troop and friends and a special guest from Vietnam and her two kids to explain to the troop her culture and upbringing for World Thinking Day! Then my son INSISTED he take me to the movies (the Lego movie) Ha!! He liked it, I thought, “well of course a 10 1/2 yr old would) and in result he thinks I need to go buy him even more Lego sets. Came home to a great dinner made again by my amazing grandma, watched a movie with her and My daughter in the comfort of our livingroom, waiting for a friend to join us for cake and icecream! It was a great day! Thanks 🙂

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