Since I forgot

Since I forgot my book, I’ll do a blog entry.

So far today I’ve done the following: wash dishes, ate breakfast, adl’s, shave.

Look how clean it is.
I’m now heading to see Gravity. Nöpe didn’t see it on opening weekend.

I’m also wearing shorts. Yup you read that right. If is a respectable 13 degrees in November. Although there is suppose to be snow someone before this time next week. The care level isn’t there, that’s why I can’t & won’t narrow it down.

So after this post, there will be a post on twitter talking about 2/2. The last two ladies I have asked for there number, they gave them to me. Winning.

Well there it is.

Quotes from the World for Monday 11/04/MXIII

To dream magnificently is not a gift given to all men, and even for those who possess it, it runs a strong risk of being progressively diminished by the ever-growing dissipation of modern life and by the restlessness engendered by material progress. The ability to dream is a divine and mysterious ability; because it is through dreams that man communicates with the shadowy world which surrounds him. But this power needs solitude to develop freely; the more one concentrates, the more one is likely to dream fully, deeply.

Charles Baudelaire
Charles Baudelaire (1821–1867), French poet, critic. Artificial Paradise (1860).

Want to Be

Want to be who I am today.

Good Morning & Happy Monday folks. Today is Monday 11/04/V3.4 & it is a great day.

Mayor Jean Stothert’s is having two community forums today. The one at 24th & Lake is about Jobs. This is her effort to reach out to North Omaha. The meeting starts at 1200. She is also having her 1st District Town Hall Meeting. It is at Benson Library 6015 Binny St. The meeting time is at 1830, I won’t be at either.

Does anyone have a Mario Kart/Nintendo Costumes?

The word of the day is skeigh which is proudly.

So CBS has screwed up again. The Mentalist did not start at 2100, which means my pre-scheduled program didn’t record it in its entirety. I can’t roar right now because it is only 0545 & there might be people sleeping in the area.

I’m listening to Katy Perry’s PRISM.

Going to have me some bacon for breakfast.

I’ve only got to do 1 thing today, besides eat and sleep.

Vernon J out.

Deserve It

You Deserve It, You Must Provide It.

I Deserve It, I Provide It.

Good Morning & Happy Birthday. Today is Sunday 11/03/V3.4 & it is Sara’s Birthday.

We are on the 2nd day off ot the 3 days off journey. So today we are going to have breakfast, church, a special little treat for me, I’m suppose to get my hair braided, I will also need to go to the food/money exchange place.

There is also that little race from the the 3rd biggest state. Let’s do it Matt Kenseth, who is currently leading the points by 0. It is a tie breaker thing, so he needs to finish higher than Jimmy Johnson by at least 1 point and higher than 16th to maintain the points lead over anyone who is in 3rd or wors.

The word of the day is vexations causing vexation; troublesome; annoying; a vexatious situation. Oh so like a little brother or sister, they are so vexatious.

I’d like to give a shoutout to the University of Nebraska Omaha Women’s Basketball team, and Hockey team as they won their respective competitions yesterday. The Cross Country and Swimming teams had a tough day out there. Visit Omaha Athletics for more information. GO MAVS!

I did leave the couch yesterday and went to play a couple board games, and had some delicious ribs. I don’t really know where to go from there, cause they were delicious.

Make it a GREAT day!!!

Continue reading “Deserve It”

Gunman Omaha 180,000 Nebraska What

We are going to have my/our/your kinda day today.

The title is irrelevant, I took the first word of the ‘top’ story of each of the news providers in Omaha. From their website, not from another source.

Today is Saturday 11/02/V3.4 and it is nothing too special. Just going to enjoy this day.

It is currently 2 degrees out and expected to be 13 before midnight. 10% chance of precipitation and upwards of 84% humidity.

The word of the day is counterpoise which is to balance by opposing weight; counteract by an opposing force.

Make it a great day.

In. My. Life.

Happy November from Vernon J & the family.

Today we are Lincoln Bound and determined to have a good time.

Today is Friday 11/01/V3.4 & the first 10 months are behind us and ALL is ahead of us.

I just found out my 800 number isn’t family friendly. Nothing I can do about it now. See Google+ for more information.

Well this will be a different kinda day. My neighbor was sick yesterday so didn’t get to do my hair. So I’m all natural today.

The word of the day is animalcule which is a minute animal, nearly or quite invisible to the naked eye.

I’m excited for what the future holds. Except Tuesday I’m double booked in the evening. I’ve committed financially to something, committed to something else also. But the second item was with the same person. Project A + Project c1 = #0529. Project B + Project c2 = #0529. So I could go either way on that. Also Project c2 has an Event on Monday.

So I’m back from Lincoln & I didn’t get this posted before Friday was over. I hope you just survived off of my twitter posts In. Your. Life.

Vernon J out.

Quotes from the World for Friday 11/01/MXIII

An able reader often discovers in other people’s writings perfections beyond those that the author put in or perceived, and lends them richer meanings and aspects.

Michel de Montaigne
Michel de Montaigne (1533–1592), French essayist. “Various Outcomes of the Same Plan,” The Essays (Les Essais), bk. I, ch. 24, Simon Millanges, Bordeaux, first edition (1580).