Nah, You’d be fine

So someone texts me that they don’t wanna be kidnapped.

Good Morning & Happy Sunday. Today is 11/17/V3.4 & it is celebration day.

I told her that I don’t think she has to worry about being kidnapped. NOW I’ve never met this lady, so I don’t actually know her. Also I’m sure no one would want to kidnap me, at least I hope.

So we went out after 2300 last night, we were acting like a bunch of mid 20 y.o. Things didn’t get crazy.

The word of the day isĀ antitype which is something that is foreshadowed by a type or symbol, as a New Testament event prefigured in the Old Testament.

So has anybody watched Reign | The Series on the CW Network | Official Site? Apparently it is the story of a Mary Queen of Scotland becoming.

We are going to keep this day simply. Watch some sports, hang out with some friends. Do what we need to do.

Have a GREAT day.