Working 09/05

Good Morning & Happy Thursday,

In my 34 years, 17 working. I’ve never had a 9 to 5 job.

Today is Thursday 09/05/V3.4 & I have NOTHING, NOTHING on my calendar.

Well laundry is under way, started about 0805. I’ve washed dishes and now eating a proper portion of my complete breakfast. The chips are okay, but they don’t get the job done.

So my friend Amy posted this picture on facebook –

Do you need to share a hug? Do you need to call someone? Do you need to kiss?
Do you need to share a hug?
Do you need to call someone?
Do you need to kiss?

I called Amy, I haven’t hugged or kissed anyone.

Which is totally normal when you live by yourself.

So I put the fabric softener in the bleach dispenser. I then went outside to empty the drawer and locked myself out. I’m glad that my neighbor was here to let me in. Thank goodness for that.

September is Hunger Action Month, wear orange to raise awareness for hunger. Visit Food Bank for the Heartland’s website to see the Hunger Action Month Calendar.

Well here’s to a great day!!!