From Notting Hill …

So I owe this book an entry on my blog. The name of the book is From Notting Hill with Love…Actually by Ali McNamara. YES it is a LOVE/romantic journey. When I started reading it, I was on my own romantic journey. If you don’t know this story, why haven’t you asked? No I WILL not share all the details of that journey on my blog. The journey is WHAT it is. I’ve put my key in the ignition & turned that thing to go. I then got out of the car & left it running. So the story is about Scarlett & the great life she has. She loves movies & I mean more than I love pie. (Just ate a whole pie in the last XI days). Her family & fiancéé thing she tries to make too much of life into/of a movie. So she goes on a IV week holiday & meets a guy. All the classic signs of ‘I Like You’ except (tearing up) the part of saying. “I like you”, you know. So good story so far. I hope you’ll get a copy & read it.