fine, skills

Good Morning & Happy Friday,

I wanted to lead off my e-mal (to an undisclosed person) with I’m doing fine & I haven’t found her yet.

Today is Friday 07/06/V3.2 and it is one heck of a day.

That may be a little pre-Mature, but I am confident in your abilities to make it that way. Do what needs to be done.

I watched The Amazing Spider-man trailer & want to see it. Like 35% in the theater. It is only $5 if I go to Aksarben Cinema, boom let’s do this. I know that it will be at the Redbox for $1.07 soon, so whatever it costs NowADays.

The word fo the day is tractate which is a treatise; essay.

So I said I would tell you my funny yesterday, I didn’t. BUT it is below the cut.

I got something I want to get off my chest.

So I went to this picture on instagram & this guy commented ‘even though I can’t see your face, you’re pretty’

WTF, How can you even justify that. I know that the 1st time you see someone, you say they are pretty, it’s human nature. But then you get to talking to them on twitter, and you think I want to get to know you better lets get together and go to a cafe.

My name is Vernon J & I’d like to get to know you better is the best darn pick-up line.

People know that they are pretty, cute, or NOT. Stop being the internet guy who does that, it upsets me. I don’t know how they feel about it.

LAW Schools, why do they call it law school?

Cause they are Lazy Arse Workers. I went to see Stephen & he wasn’t working. It was Thursday near 14.00.