My Evening Report

I didn’t provide you one of these last night, but I have a good one tonight.

1st I have to start with the disappointing part of my day. We had this bake sale at work to raise funds for the Siena Francis House. I believe they are our charity of the quarter. Well someone baked cookies for it, I give them a B for effort. They don’t get an A for effort, I don’t care what you think. You can put your comment(s) below. Well someone mistakenly put I don’t know (500 grams of salt) in the recipe, maybe that is good where they come from. BUT that was crap, I was thorghly disappointed in that cookie. UGH!!!

2nd We moved into the temporary location while our permanent location is under-construction.  NO we don’t have two monitors, just one. We were quite busy today, no one got to go home early. NOT that I wanted too, but being paid 8 hours & working VIII hours is good.

3rd I wrote a poem at work, you’ll see it tomorrow afternoon. YES you’ll have to stay tuned to The Official Blog of Vernon J.

4th I found this website that lets you watch sunsets.

How was your Tuesday/Sleeping time?