3 Choices

Good Morning & Happy Wednesday,

I had a meeting in Dundee today. I had a choice to make, drive, walk, bike, or bus. There was some jazz about it being snowy today, so that could’ve affected what decision I made.


I went with the bike route. I then rode to Bruegger’s Bagels. Today could be a 100% free car day, but I have somewhere I need to be at a certain time, that requires the speed of a car.

Today is Wednesday 03/07/V3.2 & its a wonderful day.

YOU wanna challenge that?

I had a good meeting this morning, that is why this has taken about 2 hours to post from start to finish.  I’m sure you’re okay with that. You didn’t actually realize that until I said something. See I just let you in on a secret.

The word of the day is rutilant which is Glowing or glitter with ruddy or golden light. YUP, my smiles just got 2 teeth wider.

I am going out campaigning today. I heard the R word as I was sitting there, rain. Checking the weather, I guess there is a 30% chance of rain. Which means there is a 70% chance of NOT rain.

Have a GREAT Wednesday!!!