All the choices

Good Morning & Happy Thursday,

All the choices we make in this world & how did you come to your most recent choice. Good,Bad, or Indifferent. Do you know, I’m asking. I sometimes can’t answer that question most time. Because I want to is a good answer; but not always the best.  WE are entitled to any choice, I make generally good choices.

Today is Thursday 12/29/V3.2 & we have 3 days left.

Well I’m currently coming to you live from the laundry mat, which is a good thing. So I can be So Fresh. The clothes I’m washing aren’t the clothes I’m wearing today, as I’m already dressed. As I told an unnamed lady, of course I’m dressing up. I got clothes on don’t I? She didn’t think that was as funny, as I did. Just so you know, the correct response is it was funny.

I had a good day yesterday, what happened personally? (thinking). I had a few good conversations, & realized that everyone(okay 3 people, unnamed lady II, unnamed lady, & unnamed gentleman.) don’t know what Sunday, Sunday, Sunday relates to. They all grew up in Nebraska(to the best of my knowledge, I don’t know about unnamed lady II), so that could be the reason why. I had a really good Skippy Peanut Butter & Jelly Sammich with grapes. Which according to unnamed lady III thought they looked like eyeballs.

When I got home I had a good conversation {over twitter} with unnamed lady IV. I also had I/II phone conversations with unnamed lady V. Nope and none of the ladies II though V are a special lady friend. Lady I isn’t a special lady friend either, BUT.  I’m not protecting their identities because they asked me too, I’m doing it because it is cool.  I know that unnamed gentleman reads The Official Blog of Vernon J. Nothing to hide, they would be proud to see this.

You like me using multiple colors for individuals don’t cha?

The word of the day is interpolation which is the act or process of introducing something additional or extraneous between other parts.

Happy Thursday & I hope you have an awe-inspiring weekend.

I know I will, I’m having breakfast with unnamed lady VI in a few minutes. YES that means Vernon J left home without eating breakfast. He is kinda hungry, so if this post appears grouchy that is why. 

Vernon J is temporarily out for right now. If you have any questions about anything posted in All the choices, contact info is below. You can also comment.

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