I know how to do things 1 way

So if you don’t know my life story, I’ve been flying this plane solo since age 17(March of 1997).

I had my own apartment, had a job, was in high school, & serving in the U.S. Army Reserves.

I graduated high school, and went to college.

Got a roommate in like January of 1999, my first semester of college.

I still continued my employment & this whole college thing.

I had a nervous breakdown in Summer of 2003, yes it was after a break-up & I was due to graduate in December 2003.  Whatever the reasons, it happened & now I’m Vernon J.

Who I am, & what I’ve been doing has worked since 2004.  So that’s how it is, it works for Vernon J.

If you ask me something, I’m gonna give it to you how I think.  I won’t edit myself, because if you asked You wanted to know.  Your lifestyle & opinions work for you, I don’t want to change that.  If they disagree with my choices & lifestyle then well they do, good.

If someone asks me to change or give me honest, proven truth that may way isn’t working I will take that under advisement.  Otherwise, I REALLY don’t care.

Thanks for reading the blog of Vernon J