Vernon J’s Movie Reviews

So today Vernon J went and saw The Switch(flash site, I didn’t build it), I decided that I wanted to go see this. I decided on Tuesday I wanted to go. I had full intention of asking a lady to go with me.  But if you’ve read Vernon 3.0 & Beyond Blog, you know that was a 25% fail.

It was a good movie, there was funny parts.

I did the gross out thing from one of the scenes.  If you haven’t seen it too bad, cause I’m about to drop it on you.
They are doing the voice over, and a guy looks at a girl and smiles.  That guy had crooked teeth, I like straight teeth.

I give the movie 3.5 stars.

So Wally swaps his ‘ingredent’ for the donor.  He was drunk, what can you say?

He doesn’t recall this until 7+ years later.

Kassie moves away to MN, so her and Wally are out of each other lives.  They have been best friends for 13+ years.  Hes had feelings for her since they dated, and then mutually went to the friend zone.

He is about to tell her that he has remembered what he did & she admits that she thinks they have ‘energy’, so they beat around that for a few months.

Sebastian falls in love with Wally.  Hes an awesome kid(YOU SHOULD see the movie)!

There is a wonderful song on the soundtrack, that all of us(single womyn & men, who have a ‘friend’ that they like)!

Thanks for reading Vernon J’s review of The Switch. 

Look for the next one in about a week or so.

1/2 way there

Laundry for today is done.  Now I just have to iron my clothes for work tomorrow.

So my day is 1/2 way done.
& it ain’t even 9 o’clock yet (in California)

Vernon J is pretty awesome.

1.21 kilograms

Today is Sunday 08/29/v3.1!

I lost 1.21 Kilograms on a Saturday, that’s pretty good.

Ttoday I’m going to make breakfast, I’ll probably start before you read this.

Then its laundry time(follow me on foursquare to see what time I get there).

Then home (hang laundry).

Then go see the movie.

Even if you are.

Even if you are running a marathon, you still should read my blog post today. ‘exclusive line for my twitter followers’

Tday is Saturday 08/28/V3.1.

Well I got up about 6:15 VST or so, a little early(my alarm is set for 7:00 VST).
I worked otu with Wii Fit, & my Wii Age was 20.  No going to the 21+ places this weekend.

Well after working out I ate breakfast(you gotta eat every day, apparently).

I then realized that I didn’t have to be on campus till 1, so I took a nap.  So now I’m up ready to start my day.

I’ll be going to Mav Fest(, then I’m going to go see The Switch(on Sunday).

The Switch will be showing at the following times:

The theater depends if you come or not. I decided to go on Sunday because I haven’t studied today.

Dundee Days are tonight, so maybe I’ll be there also.

Happy FNP!

Today is Friday 08/27/V3.1.

The FNP is here, for ‘some reason’ I woke up 4 a.m. So I got up & played on the computer for about 1/2 an hour.

I also talked to my friend Dawn M. P. who is currently vacationing in Hawaii. I was a little worried that she was in jail, she gave that impression. She wasn’t.

I’m going to the Final Werner Friday Fireworks at Rosenblatt Stadium, game starts 19:05 VST. Will you be there?

That’s it for this entry.


Today is Thursday 08/26/V3.1.

Vernon J has declared today unique day. At this point I haven’t decided what I’m going to do that is unique, but I have quite a few hours to figure it out.  Wish me luck.

I have class today at 10:30 VST.

I know, that tonight I will be making Crisped Rice Treats, so that could be my unique thing.

I hope you have a wonderful day!!!

Forgetfulness becomes very tasty.

I went to a local grocery store for a little shopping.

I forgot to get some bagels for breakfast , so I have to make other arrangements. I don’t think I’m getting enough calories with (Cereal w/ milk, Juice, Fruit), I need to add(or continue) to eat grains.

So therefore on Thursday 08/26/V3.1 I’ll be having Freedom Toast for Breakfast. Not a bad trade off, aye?