Happy Paper Writing

Today is Thursday 08/12/V3.1!

I get to do what I want today & every day. I live in the United States of America.

So today, I’m going to come straight home & do Laundry.

Didn’t get to it last night after class, went to a buddies & he had a grill going. Had some fish & poppers.

My friend ‘SH’ stopped by & we had lunch, so even if I had been kicked in the nuts.

Went to class, then went to previously mentioned BBQ.

Came home, day done.

Going the Distance

Apparently the movie has been PUSHED back until September 3rd, I got a word for you.  They are SO lucky I haven’t asked anyone person out yet.

I wasn’t going to go see another movie, but I meant just have to go see this one.

I love the scene where he is tanning, I won’t ruin it.

Who wants to go?

Happy Thursday!

I left my 1st blog entry unposted. You’ll have to wait about 12 hours until I can get it posted.