
So I got my cellular phone bill and had $22.62 in casual data usage. – aaaaaggghhh

I have Messaging – Unlimited, I don’t access the internet on my phone.

  • A. I have a computer at home
    B. I have a computer at work
    C. There isn’t anything that good on the internet, that it can’t wait.

Previous Tweets:
doing a blog about $22.62

I haven’t officially done my ass kicking yet, but my foot has landed

Going to kick some ass
HOW is this not broken unlimited txt message = $20, or unlimited txt message + picture mail = $20

It’s not 6 tweets in 6 mins, but it is 4 within two hours, same subject requires a blog.

  • The carrier that I am on as of this time says we have two options:
    A – $15 data plan (which I don’t want or need)
    B – Block data usage, which would not allow me to access my picture mail, therefore I wouldn’t be getting what I’m paying for.
  • I counter with the following options, because this is a negotiation at this point.
    A – Allow me to walk into a store and get a phone that allows me to view my picture mail without access to the internet. (Account services told me this isn’t possible, the phones just deliver them differently)
    B – Allow me to terminate my contract without paying a ECTF.

Customer Service told me there isn’t anyone at ‘said’ phone company that can do that, I called Bullshit.
They transferred me to account services

They countered with a very acceptable option. THANK YOU VERY MUCH
Problem solved I get unlimited text message for 1/2 the advertised price + unlimited internet access for the remaining 1/2 advertised price for Messaging – Unlimited.

I also e-mailed the CEO and gave them some suggestions for the company.

Vernon Davis
422 N. 40th St.
Omaha, NE 68131