Dawn’s Party

Dawn’s Birthday is May 31, so we had a party for her. BBQing, then Crescent Moon. I took 70 pictures on Sat May, 30th.

Vernon BBQing!
Vernon BBQing!

We had a lil BBQ for Dawn’s Birthday which is May 31!!! I forgot to wear my invisible apron.

The Crew
The Crew

Sitting and Chillin.


Her classic pose.

Joe - Jennifer from MI - Vernon
Joe – Jennifer from MI – Vernon

NO, I didn’t know her than, but I do now.

Jennifer from MI - Vernon
Jennifer from MI – Vernon

NO, I didn’t know her than, but I do now.

Jennifer's Strong
Jennifer’s Strong

Jennifer ‘picking’ me up.

Vernon - Lady - Lady - Sarah
Vernon – Lady – Lady – Sarah

Sarah is in the plaid dress.


Why am I NOT surprised when I get picked up at bars? I won’t change that.

Show them to me.
Show them to me.

I was getting a free show.

Well know that you are down here, here are my thoughts of that day.

1st, you should go look @ the 61 pictures from Saturday, there are also more pictures taken on Sunday (NOT READY as of 05/31/2009 16:44:42 EST.

I bought a new BBQ grill, that should last, although the plastic thing already melted on the venting device. Probably not a real problem(I need to go put that away after posting this)

We had feather bone ribs, macaroni salad, and corn muffins, and drinks. We then went to Crescent Moon, and had a blast.

Vernon Davis
422 N. 40th St.
Omaha, NE 68131