
Today Cy came in to visit me @ work. I also went to the O Royals game.

Vernon & Cy the Cardinal
Vernon & Cy the Cardinal

Cy the Cardinal of Iowa State University.

The ISU coaches came and sorted food @ The Food Bank!

Stephanie, Cy the Cardinal, & Kristen
Stephanie, Cy the Cardinal, & Kristen

Quacky & Cy the Cardinal of Iowa State University.

The ISU coaches came and sorted food @ The Food Bank!

O Royals vs. the Fresno Grizzlies
O Royals vs. the Fresno Grizzlies

The O Royals lost four to three.

O Royals vs. the Grizzles
O Royals vs. the Grizzles

The O Royals lost four to three.

O Royals vs. the Fresno Grizzles
O Royals vs. the Fresno Grizzles

The O Royals lost four to three.

Jennifer B & Vernon
Jennifer B & Vernon

Hanging out @ Rosenblatt Stadium.

You can see Clint & Tim in the background.

The Omaha Royals vs. The Fresno Grizzles:
The O Royals lost four to three.

I did this race last year.

The Omaha Royals vs. The Fresno Grizzles:
The O Royals lost four to three.

I did this race last year.

The Omaha Royals vs. The Fresno Grizzles:
The O Royals lost four to three.

I did this race last year.

The Omaha Royals vs. The Fresno Grizzles:
The O Royals lost four to three.

I did this race last year.

HUNG out with Jennifer, Heather, Clint, and Nancy.

Vernon Davis
422 N. 40th St.
Omaha, NE 68131