Change I Can Believe In

Change I Can Believe In!!

I Believe in this change –

I DON’T Believe in this ‘change’ –

13 Replies to “Change I Can Believe In”

  1. I think you just like to go against what most people like/approve of or whatever. Just like when there is a football game on, while you don’t know much about football or follow it or whatever you put all your energy into hoping Nebraska loses. Why, what is the point? You are not a fan of the other team/teams you just want to go against the majority. Just be impartial, and stay cooooooool. man 🙂

    I seem to remember you caucasing for Obama, or I think I do anyway.. why the heck did you do that?

    1. worng

      I didn’t caucus for Obama, I went and saw him in Council Bluffs, it was just nice and cool.

      I was being impartial, and staying cool.

      BUT, then he chose Joe Biden, which isn’t any change from the Old Washington.

      THEN he announces Tom Daschle, for Secretary of HHS. He has been lobbying for the medical industry for the last few year. Barack was saying that people in the lobby industry should be banned from advising the certain Department.

      THEN he announces Hilary Clinton for SoS, which is also not a smart move.

      I honestly was neutral on President Obama, until the Hilary thing. That was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

      btw, thanks for asking instead of just staying something stupid, like ‘you’re crazy’ It NEVER hurts to ask.

    2. I forgot

      I did Caucus for Obama.

      But I didn’t vote for him or John McCain. I voted for Cynthia McKinney, bc I didn’t thing Obama or McCain was the best choice for America.

        1. Football

          It’s slow,
          sometime boring.
          I don’t like the Huskers football atmosphere. You have a team that won the national championship not less than 2 years ago, and they seem to not even exist.
          On yesterday news on KPTM, they were like there was alot of sports yesterday, and the Huskers’s didn’t even play.

          He then went on to say oh, I meant the football team didn’t play. The other huskers teams don’t get any respect, so I won’t stand behind a team that does that.

          There was a player who was changed and pleaded guilty to assaulting several people outside the bar. He was reinstated to the team, that is BS(he did get suspended). Also this year there a couple wrestlers who posed on an adult website, WHO CARES. The ‘man’ found out about this on Monday, and they were kicked off by Friday. Nothing like basis there.

          I say alot of stuff, and they are all justified.

          1. Re: Football

            it has been longer than 2 years since they won a national championship even i know that lol. 😛

            I’m sure even your nascar boys aren’t perfect. MMhmmm

          2. Re: Football

            They won in 2006, the volleyball Team.

            This has NOTHING to do with personal decisions. It has to do with the Policy of the NU athletic department, turning a blind eye to football players screwing up in the legal sense.

            I don’t care if the NASCAR drivers get in trouble, but NASCAR has one of the strictest fine/suspension policies of the major sport.

          3. Re: Football

            you even said yourself that a player got suspended…doesn’t sound exactly like a blind eye! The volleyball team gets a lot of publicity, not as much as the football team but it is that way in almost every school. And then what about the fact that MALE athletics ALWAYS get more publicity/funding/support when compared to female sports. That isn’t just at NU but EVERYWHERE. I don’t like that but, I don’t detest every college sport because of it.

            And if you want to argue is it that, if you say “who do you want to win the world series?” and I say the cardinals.. you just automatically choose the opposite team. (This happened a few years back) EVERY time, we have had a conversation similar to the one above you choose the opposite.
            It doesn’t matter who the teams are. what about that?

          4. it doesn’t matter

            That’s just shooting the breeze. It really doesn’t matter in the grand schemes of things.

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