2 items

The Sprint PCS VisionSM Smart Device PPC-6700 Very comparable to the V by Verizon, but it is better. A. NEXTEL is the title sponsor of NASCAR, B. I saw someone with one.

More reasonable. www.bigtrain.com, Chai Tea. They have a multi flavor pack.

The V is much cheaper than the PCS Vision. But it is current out of stock.

Got My Eye on You #50

Congressional Daily record for May 19, 2006
Senate: 62 bills were introduced, as follows: S. 2857-2918
House: 11 public bills, H. R. 5426, 5428-5437; and 12 resolutions, H. J. Res. 86; H. Con. Res. 407-410; and H. Res. 823-829 were introduced.

New Legislation