Got My Eye on You #31

Congressional Daily Digest for 4/7/06
Senate: 25 bills and Four resolutions introduced
House: Not in session until April 25

S. 2601 A bill to amend the Social Security Act to improve choices available to Medicare eligible seniors by permitting them to elect (instead of regular Medicare benefits) to receive a voucher for a health savings account, for premiums for a high deductible health insurance plan, or both and by suspending Medicare late enrollment penalties between ages 65 and 70.

S. 2612 A bill to provide for comprehensive immigration reform and for other purposes. This bill was introduced by Chuck Hagel. It was mentioned in his speech that I commented about yesterday.

S. 2628 A bill to permit an individual to be treated by a health care practitioner with any method of medical treatment such individual requests, and for other purposes. Interesting bill, I wonder what is really going on?