You Damn Right…

Susie’s Friend: You like her(Susie) more than me

Some AWESOME guy: YEAH, She’s not engaged

Susie(who happens to be the female TALL SEXY):  Gives ‘Some AWESOME’ a hug and confirms the less than engaged status.


Mandy Moore hasn’t had a date in awhile – like Rachael Ray said she doesnt feel bad for her.

She can’t cook either apparently!!

French Toast – Check
Eggs – Check
Sauaage – Check
Hot Cereal – Check
Apple – Check
Milk – Check

Well rounded complete awesome homemade breakfast – Check

Super  Secret Thing @ 11

I hate the Mall and/or shopping

So I went to Target/Old Navy.  I got a couple pair of shorts, couple pilates dvd, and a band.  In this little venture, I happen to leave my wallet in the ‘Limo’ got it back though.

Wanted to get an umbrella, but all the ones at Target sucks.  I want a f’n awesome umbrella(like this one), so if you know where I can get a ‘golf’ umbrella let me know.  I really love this one(borrowed, my $5 one got into a fight with the wind) I got me an umbrella, I am now deciding if I should keep the black and red one or the new one

Tomorrow I am going to Westroads(The Saftey Fair 10 a.m. till 3 p.m.) so that’ll give me a chance to look at them.

M(805) from a Hockey Game Called. she has a boy(I’m assuming boyfriend)

Think Luck Today(about me)

Luck refers to that which happens beyond a person’s control. This view incorporates phenomena that are chance happenings, a person’s place of birth for example, but where there is no uncertainty involved, or where the uncertainty is irrelevant. Within this framework one can differentiate between three different types of luck:

   1. Constitutional luck, that is, luck with factors that cannot be changed. Place of birth and genetic constitution are typical examples.
   2. Circumstantial luck, that is, luck with factors that are haphazardly brought on. Accidents and epidemics are typical examples.
   3. Ignorance luck, that is, luck with factors one does not know about. Examples can be identified only in hindsight.

I will need the luck today, I plan to ask out AM.

I stink

Went to the Casino!!!  Won a free buffet

I am going to shower know because I stink from the smokiness.

BTW NANCY IS a wonderful wing person.  I didn’t even ask her, and she talked me up to the waitress.

Good Sign, Bad Sign?

Ex Girlfriend Birthday is June 27th.

A girl, lets call her AM(because she is a ray of sunshine, or that’s her name and I don’t won’t to reveal it yet), Birthday is June 28th.  I don’t think >she has a boyfriend.

Let me know, I have it on good authority that if KT likes a guy she may stare at him.

She has a job, which is like the #1 thing for a girlfriend of mines.

PSST.  Hey dumbass if you put a link to her profile, their really is no need to keep her name a secret.  (Therefore link was removed 2 mins later)