
My week was a good one.

I got some brand new laundry baskets.  I wanna say this is the first time I have ever bought them.
Monday – Hockey started, I skipped class.

Tuesday – Worked at my other job

Wednesday – worked at my other job, didn’t go to work at my job until after 11.  Got to stay home till after 7:30, although I went to the store during the 6 AM hour.  Bought tickets to Disney Live for my RLD.  I also watched the debate, and know I know why I don’t do that.

Thursday – went to my other job, talked to MF.

Friday – Hockey night in Omaha, Now I’m just waiting.


does a little dance.  Just made someone’s day!


 (my emo)

I like

Disney Live (MF was asking ideas for her Birthday(10/28), so I suggested Disney Live)

They be at the Civic on the 25th?
T’day upon the hour of 9:32 in the evenin’
does that mean you want to take me? 😉
Vernon Joseph Davis
T’day upon the hour of 9:37 in the evenin’
Would you like to go?

T’day upon the hour of 9:40 in the evenin’
you want me to go with you? ahh…prolly what time is it at?


I didn’t realize my wedding date is so close.  May 30, 2009

New Item

There was a World Priemere Thursday Night @ Karaoke. 

I think it got some rave reviews.  Although my good friends Dawn & Sandy have my number, and Rachel is married(marriage is a wonderful thing, for them).

My People(People @ the Surfin USA Dinner) Totally understood what it was for.  ie. Professional Contacts(yeah right)

I called Susie

Nicht, dass ich spreche nicht mit einer Freundin. Du bist doch mein Freund (en), und ich möchte Sie nur zu wissen.

Ich rief Susie @ Mittag-und bat sie, mich heute. Ich hoffe, sie ruft, ich plane in fragt sie aus dieser Woche. Aber der Ball ist in ihrer offiziellen Gericht.