My Evening Report

Good Evening & Happy Thursday-Eve,

YES today is Wednesday, but if you’re reading The Official Blog of Vernon J. Which you are, then you know that this is my 1st posts of the day.

Today is Wednesday 02/06/V3.3 & it was an ‘I wanna just sleep on this desk at work’

My day started at mere seconds before the alarm went off at 08.28, at least I think it was mere seconds. It could’ve been minutes. That is the benefit of NOT having  a clock in your sleeping area. I approve of that behavior, you should subscribe to it.

The word of the day is feuilleton which is a part of a European newspaper devoted to light literature, fiction, criticism, etc.

Well this is no feuilleton, it is being broadcast live from 41.263518, -95.973273. That’s Latitude and Longitude, it helps people fine their way. In 1884 it was determined by the International Meridian Conference that Greenwich would be the zero-reference line. Dominican Republic voted against this, while France and Brazil abstained. I don’t like people who abstain from a vote. STAND & be counted. btw the leader of Brazil didn’t have a President in 1884, that would explain their abstaining. The President of the Dominican Republic was Francisco Gregorio Billini, and the President of France was Jules Grévy. That’s enough history for now.

My day was more than expected & less then it should’ve been.

I was not at all excited to be at work, I literally wanted to just sleep. Job 1 is boring, and it is boring being there. I NEED MORE!

Had a good time at my connections class this week. Next week is Ash Wednesday & I also become mayor. Winning!!!

I hope you have a good day!!!

Vernon J & I don’t want you to be bald.