House is Broken

This house is a broken house.

Good Morning & Happy Thursday,

I went to cook me some bacon this morning. Looking HIGH look low, there is no bacon. YES this is a bad thing, I consume a meat and plant based diet.

Today is Thursday 12/05/V3.4 & it is a working day.

At my second job I am working Wednesday & Thursday the first 3 weeks of December. The center is closed the last & first Wednesday of the year.

So I resorted to just eggs and toast, Raisin Bran with milk, & my 100%+ fruit smoothie.

So as soon as I get done eating breakfast I’m going to start the laundry day. I’ve done the dishes already, I actually washed one dish twice. Cause I washed dishes than cooked breakfast. I’ve got mail, not the movie the real deal.

The word of the day is slumgullion which is a stew of meat, vegetables, potatoes, etc. That slumguillion sounds good.

What are you doing today?

When it isn’t

When it isn’t a success, it isn’t always a failure.

Good Morning & Happy Wednesday,

A task that you set out to do may not be successful, but that doesn’t make it a failure.

Today is Wednesday 12/04/V3.4 & it is Ice Cream Day.

What new tasks did you tackle yesterday that you didn’t think was a success?

I had a couple successes yesterday. I shared a cupcake with someone. By shared I mean gave them one. Who really shares a cupcake?

I went to a Bible study yesterday. Meet new people, officially meet people from the olden days. We had met in previous occasions he just didn’t know it was me. Meet this brewer from Grand Rapids, MI.

This guy founded Founder's Brewery which brews out of Grand Rapids.

The word of the day is largesse which is generous bestowal of gifts.

I would say that there were lots of successes yesterday with no failures. I didn’t get to wash dishes yesterday, but really?

Some Times

There are times we can do stuff, there are times we can’t do stuff.

Good Morning & Happy Tuesday,

I did and I didn’t. I’m okay with that, as I didn’t wash dishes. I did read though.

Today is Tuesday 12/03/V3.4 & it is the Central Omaha TAA Meeting. Central Omaha Transit Alternatives Analysis Show Omaha Transit Matters.

Speaking of Transit Alternatives our friends from the east (Cincinnati) is trying to build a street car.  Streetcar – Streetcar I’ll let you read and decide on how this project is for the city.

I can tell you that any more projects for the City of Omaha should only consist of expansion of bus routes. An hour or two on Sunday’s. There should be no infrastructure changes.

The word of the day is pokelogan which is marshy or stagnant water that has branched off from a stream or lake.

So tonight is also a good night for pint night. So you should come. Team Vernon J will be there about 1700.

Make it a fantastic day.

Medicaid Expansion

Senator Jeremy Nordquist wants to hear from Nebraskans on expanding healthcare. He has set up a website Well the Nebraska Unicameral Legislature is having a public hearing on Wednesday 12/18/2013. It will be in Room 1510 at 1:30 PM.

As conservatives we need to go down to Lincoln and testify for this study. we know the people who want to expand Medicare will be there. Remember the Federal Government has only decided to cover 90% of the bill though the 2020. We know how sometimes that POTUS or Congress can change their mind about bills/laws once they are enacted.

We don’t need this expansion in Nebraska.

Making Up Numbers

Apparently 131 million people are going to shop online for ‘Cyber Monday’

Good Morning  & Happy Monday,

So I decided to make up my own number of people doing something. Twitter / Vernon_J_: *breaking news*, 20,000,000 … I got to use 20,000,000 in another place as a point of reference.

Today is Monday 12/02/V3.4 & it is today. Not excatly sure what it will entail, but it is today.

The word of the day is twain which is two.

It was a good day at work, no problems for me. BUT that one sales rep wasn’t happy.

Lunch was good & I have my shoes kicked off, which means I’m in relaxed mode.

How was your day?

We are treated to a treat here in Omaha, it is currently 14 degrees RIGHT now. I couldn’t ask for a more perfect day. Of course it could get perfecter and I’ve just made that effort to do it that way.

YES I’m aware that perfecter isn’t a word. But this isn’t a Proper English Blog. IF you want that you can go visit English Grammar Blog. You didn’t know Seonaid rain a Perfect English blog, neither did I. There is a lot on the internet.

okay, that’s it for now.

Enjoy what you have earned.