Quotes from the World for Monday 10/07/MXIII

I am just a little girl who’s looking for a little boy who’s looking for a girl to love/

Ira Gershwin
Ira Gershwin (1896–1983), U.S. songwriter. “Looking for a Boy,” Tip-Toes, Harms, Inc. (1925).

Music composed by George Gershwin (1898-1937).

Lazy & Texts

Good Afternoon & Happy Sunday,

A Lazy day. Went to the store for my neighbor, and then went to church. Went to the store for myself. As I’m unloading my groceries I realized that I left my yogurt un-refrigerated when I brought it home yesterday.

Today is Sunday 10/06/V3.4 & it is Kylon’s Birthday!!!

So someone texted me and they seem cool. Until I asked them if they were watching the race. He responded I’m not gay. Which is clearly making a good impression on people. That isn’t acceptable or respectable behavior. What inspires someone to say that? Why not say No, or I don’t watch racing? What do you think of that?

I just did this: Dinosaur That’s how awesome I am.

So tonight I’m going to make me some burger, fries, and have a saladid. The burger is going to be ground chicken and italian sausage with respective seasonings. The fries will be home made and fried on the stove.

Well it is getting to be the cold season in the living area, I wanted to put on my too small sweat pants, but couldn’t find them. They are too small (by length), it is tough when you are my size. If you get the sweat pants from the Big & Tall store they are two big. The smallest waist they have is 42-44XL. Which is 8 sizes too big, not that I would ever wear sweat pants outside the privy of my front door. I’ll wear them to the laundry room and that is it. I know it is a First World Problem though.

As I’m looking at imgur, I came across this.

QOnru9F v4gGUGg That’s a good story, and I hope I am living my life that way.

At least I’m trying to.

The word of the day is malign which is to speak harmful, untruths about; speak evil of; slander.

You can be sued for malign so you outta watch what you speak.

Looking forward to this week. The University of Nebraska Omaha Mavericks Hockey team returns to the ice. This time tomorrow the CenturyLink Center will be lit up and ready for some Hockey.

Are yOu reAdy for Hockey?

So as a follow-up to my posts.

I’ve come to know John Hodgson over twiter and we’ve skyped once. He is a single day who lives in South Dakota. Enjoys some Dairy Queen and is a truck owner. He operates out of the Sioux Falls, SD area. Logistics Solutions. Great Guy, but he does like the Huskers Football Team.

Well that is it for now.

Vernon J out.

Quotes from the World for Sunday 10/06/MXIII

We always love those that admire us, but we do not always love those we admire.

François La Rochefoucauld, Duc De
François, Duc De La Rochefoucauld (1613–1680), French writer, moralist. repr. F.A. Stokes Co., New York (c. 1930). Moral Maxims and Reflections, no. 294 (1665-1678), trans. London (1706).

How the Republicans have ruined everything

Good Morning & Happy Sunday,

So I asked on facebook & twitter what people wanted me to blog about.

My friend Mike posted this:

I told Mike that is an unqualified statement. I told him I’d indulge it any way.

A few additional statements would have helped Mike.

  • Which Republicans?
  • What’s is everything?
  • How has it be ruined?

Has there been Democrat/Republican/Other Presidents? Yes there has.

Has there been Republican/Other/Democrat Senators? Yes there has.

Has there been Other/Democrat/Republican Representatives to the House? Yes there has.

What do a majority of these people (of the last 50 years) have in common. The qualified voters of The United States of America have sent these people to do a job as Representatives to Washington, D.C.

If you ask me what there job is, I’ll tell you:

  • It is to present a budget that is sustainable to  the receipts of the Federal Government and not a $.01 more.
  • It is to protect us from enemies foreign and domestic.
  • It is there job to stay the heck out of my business (as long as it is legal)
  • They have failed on all 3 occasions.

The Republicans didn’t ruin everything.

My name is Vernon J.

I’m a resident and citizen of The United States of America.

The United States of America is the best country in the world and we can be better.

As a registered and actually voter it is my job to send the best person to Washington, D.C.

On Tuesday 11/04/V3.3 I voted for Mitt Romney, Deb Fischer, and Lee Terry. Those are the people I sent to do the job. Deb & Lee are doing the job to the best of their ability.

Mike what is the job you want the President, Senators, and Representatives to do?

$11.11 & $22.22

Good MorningEvening & Happy Saturday,

What is it with you & these numbers?

Today is Saturday 10/05/V3.4 & it is Charlie’s Birthday!!!! Happy Birthday Charlie.

It is suppose to be a low of 5, & a high of 15 today.

Those numbers are my entertainment dollars from last night. Saint’s Pints + Patio was a good choice to go. I don’t think there was one bad choice made yesterday after work. There wasn’t a bad choice made yesterday before or during work either.

Now there was some actually good decisions made. Like my lunch that was made by Qdoba. viix1979 on Instagram, I was going to post the picture, but some programs decided to crash on my computer. I also went and got a delicious Ice Cold Pepsi from Kum & Go. with a little bit of ice.

The word of the day is whirligig which is something that whirls or revolves.

After work I took & made a call. Sent and Received an e-mail to Susie’s Brother and Jim’s Friend. (Ha Brandon, take that). Then relaxed and shot the breeze on the couch until we went to The Official Sports Bar of Vernon J. Now Saint’s Pub + Patio may be underrated for service and value. But the value of watching some sporting events on television is pretty good. We shall make another return visit there, that is until they close. I don’t think I’ve officially called it, but they don’t stay busy enough. The Crescent Moon Alehouse was also slow last night, next time you are there say hi to Dani. She is the one with 7 tattoos.

Today was a good day. Had a good day at work. After work I help the Gwenn Aspen for Legislature Campaign go door to door.. I estimate that we did about 150 doors together.

I came home and made Chili. It was delicious and that is the bottom cause it was delicious.

So tomorrow is Sunday and it is my day off. Going to church and then home.

Don’t you hate it  when your laptop resets itself twice in one week. I’ve lost all my personal settings, all these settings are not my own.

I’m watching Hancock.

Have a good night. Sleep Well!!!


Quotes from the World for Saturday 10/05/MXIII

The pleasure we derive from doing favors is partly in the feeling it gives us that we are not altogether worthless. It is a pleasant surprise to ourselves.

Eric Hoffer
Eric Hoffer (1902–1983), U.S. philosopher. The Passionate State of Mind, aph. 113 (1955).

1st Song of the Day

Thanks to Dustin for the assist.

He did that stupid thing where you post a song lyric on your facebook page. This wasn’t one of those emotional ones though.

I knew that song.

Quotes from the World for Friday 10/04/MXIII

We grew up founding our dreams on the infinite promise of American advertising. I still believe that one can learn to play the piano by mail and that mud will give you a perfect complexion.

Zelda Fitzgerald
Zelda Fitzgerald (1900–1948), U.S. writer. Alabama Beggs, in Save Me the Waltz, ch. 4, sect. 3 (1932).

Barometric Pressure

Good Morning & Happy Friday,

Do I get a headache when the barometric pressure rises or falls?

Today is Friday 10/04/V3.4 & It is the time for NHL Hockey. The Carolina Hurricanes take on the Detroit Redwings.

It doesn’t matter if the barometric pressure rises or fall, because I get gangrene during barometric pressure changes. That’s how it is sometimes.

The word of the day is bluestocking which is a woman with considerable scholarly, literary, or intellectual ability.

So if is raining, didn’t see any news or weather coverage last night. I just know these things. The only change that makes in my life is that I ride the bus into work & wear shoes like these.

Waterproof, hard sole, adds some height.
So I’m like a boss today. I’m always the boss of me. I got off one stop early, but we are good.

Well the plan tonight is to go to Saints to see the hockey game. It is on Fox Sports NC & Fox Sports Detroit. So no promise that it will be on in Omaha. If not I’ll just have to wait until Monday, when Omaha’s Team takes to the ice. We are playing some Canadian team. Game time is 1907 at CenturyLink Center Omaha.

Also today the soccer team plays at home & the volleyball team is on the road. Go MAVS! Let us get a couple wins I’d be a happy fan.

Well I think that is it for now.

Vernon J out.