$11.11 & $22.22

Good MorningEvening & Happy Saturday,

What is it with you & these numbers?

Today is Saturday 10/05/V3.4 & it is Charlie’s Birthday!!!! Happy Birthday Charlie.

It is suppose to be a low of 5, & a high of 15 today.

Those numbers are my entertainment dollars from last night. Saint’s Pints + Patio was a good choice to go. I don’t think there was one bad choice made yesterday after work. There wasn’t a bad choice made yesterday before or during work either.

Now there was some actually good decisions made. Like my lunch that was made by Qdoba. viix1979 on Instagram, I was going to post the picture, but some programs decided to crash on my computer. I also went and got a delicious Ice Cold Pepsi from Kum & Go. with a little bit of ice.

The word of the day is whirligig which is something that whirls or revolves.

After work I took & made a call. Sent and Received an e-mail to Susie’s Brother and Jim’s Friend. (Ha Brandon, take that). Then relaxed and shot the breeze on the couch until we went to The Official Sports Bar of Vernon J. Now Saint’s Pub + Patio may be underrated for service and value. But the value of watching some sporting events on television is pretty good. We shall make another return visit there, that is until they close. I don’t think I’ve officially called it, but they don’t stay busy enough. The Crescent Moon Alehouse was also slow last night, next time you are there say hi to Dani. She is the one with 7 tattoos.

Today was a good day. Had a good day at work. After work I help the Gwenn Aspen for Legislature Campaign go door to door.. I estimate that we did about 150 doors together.

I came home and made Chili. It was delicious and that is the bottom cause it was delicious.

So tomorrow is Sunday and it is my day off. Going to church and then home.

Don’t you hate it  when your laptop resets itself twice in one week. I’ve lost all my personal settings, all these settings are not my own.

I’m watching Hancock.

Have a good night. Sleep Well!!!